Functional differences in QURAS wallets between platforms

2 min readFeb 2, 2021

In order to make the QURAS blockchain available to as many users as possible, We have released a variety of wallets on multiple platforms. There are functional differences in the QURAS wallets for each platform due to restrictions derived from the platform.

This article describes the features and functional differences of the wallets that have been released as of February 1, 2021.

Types of wallets

Currently, You can use the following QURAS wallets.

Mobile Wallet (Quras Wallet +)

QURAS Wallet + is a wallet for iOS and Android. Specializing in sending and receiving, it supports BTC, ETH, ERC20 XQC, Native XQC, and XQG. The wallet is also the ONLY token swap method from ERC20 XQC to Native XQC. The swap is expected to last until July 2021.

Windows Wallet (from the top menu: “QurasWallet” -> “Windows”)

The Windows wallet allows you to use all functions of the QURAS blockchain; the node that runs the Windows wallet downloads the blockchain data and it serves as a full node. Therefore, the Windows wallet can execute anonymous transactions using zk-SNARKs and ring signatures.

Web Wallet

The Web wallet is a non-custodial wallet. This means that the Quras project does not manage the user’s private key. If you use the web wallet, be sure to bookmark it to avoid damage from fake sites.

Function comparison

Currently, anonymous transactions are only available for Windows wallets that can run full nodes. Mobile wallets and web wallets running on light nodes are not available. We are currently working to enable them to use anonymous transactions, with a target implementation in Q2 2021.

