Monthly Technical Progress in Mar, 2021
Web privacy:
We had finished the following transaction features about web privacy:
Transparent wallet →Stealth wallet
Transparent wallet →Anonymous wallet
All features about web privacy had been done. Now we are doing the final test, this feature will be released in mid April, then developers can use the new version of JSLib to develop web privacy features in quras chain.
Functions have been done, we are fixing some bugs and doing tests now, this wallet may be released in mid April, with this chrome extension wallet, users can interact with XQC/XQG and custom tokens.
Mobile wallet:
We had fixed ethereum transfer issues and some other issues in mobile wallet.
Will release 2.0.4 on both ios and android platform in early April, in this version, has the following changes:
- Fixed ethereum sendmax issue;
- Fixed quras historical rates display issue;
- Using a new server to serve quras mobile wallet;