QURAS is Getting Listed on Biki Exchange
QURAS is always looking for partnerships to accelerate project growth, and Biki exchange has decided to make Quras coin their next listing.
The listing is scheduled for early November. Please wait for the official Biki announcement regarding listing details.
About Biki Listing
QURAS has signed a partnership with Biki to expand its Asian market share.
BiKi.com is a global cryptocurrency exchange that provides a digital assets platform for trading more than 50 cryptocurrencies and 121 trading pairs. Since its inception in June 2018, BiKi.com has reportedly accumulated 1,5 million registered users, 130,000 daily active users and 200,000 active community members. Their key strength lies in powerful strategic marketing. Biki was created by a professional team led by CEO Ethan Ng, and Biki’s CMO is well-versed in the Chinese media industry and has contributed greatly to the success of optimal branding.
QURAS will continue to form partnerships with industry-leading organizations to increase its user base and market share swiftly.
<Biki official website / SNS>
・ Website: www.biki.com
・ Telegram (English): https://t.me/BikiEnglish
・ Twitter (English): https://twitter.com/BiKiEnglish
・ Facebook (English): www.facebook.com/bikiexchange
・ Medium (English): https://medium.com/@bikicoin
Information about QURAS
・ Website: https://quras.io/en/
・ Twitter (English): https://twitter.com/qurasofficial
・ Twitter (Japanese): https://twitter.com/qurasofficialjp
・ Telegram group (English): https://t.me/QurasOfficialGroup
・ Telegram channel (English): https://t.me/qurasofficial
・ Telegram channel (Japanese): https://t.me/QurasOfficialCH_JPN